Sunday, February 6, 2011


Before I go any further writing, I suppose I should set a few things straight:

1.  I am not a biker.  Up until recently I have never owned a road bike.
2.  The mountain bike I did own, I never wanted to ride.
3.  I have a consistent record of starting writing projects and training regimens and never finishing (look at my blog in Ecuador for an example).  But I will try my hardest to stay faithful to this Blog.  And I don't have a choice about working out- I NEED to.
4.  I still don't have a car.  And for graduation- instead of asking for a car- what do I want?  A Trek- that very easily could have been a down payment for a car.
5.  I am a broke, recent college graduate.  Let me stress the adjective
b-r-o-k-e.  And instead of doing the logical and rational plan of getting a job, I am taking 72 days during the summer to ride my bike from New York to San Francisco.  And as of now, I don't have a plan for when I get back.  (I'm hoping this will change)
6.  I was asked in my interview for the Illini 4000, "How do you feel about eating the same thing such as peanut butter and jelly everyday?"  I HATE peanut butter and jelly.  But I lied and said that I could live off of the stuff.
7.  I am a certified, top class, professional whiner.  And as much as I am going to refrain from doing this on the trip, I will more than likely use this blog as my outlet.  There will definitely be whining- and lots of whining about PB&J.  And probably even more about my sore butt.
8.  I am going on this trip, as I already mentioned, with my fiance.  This will NOT be a romance story- maybe more along the lines of a surreal comedy.  Maybe a little bit of drama, action, adventure...Whatever it is, it won't be short of interesting.
9.  Just like with Ron, I am sure there will be days that will push me too my limit.  There will be high highs and looowww lows.  There are probably going to be some plain awful days.  And there will be days that are extraordinary.
10.  I plan on honestly documenting all of these ups and downs whether they be physical, mental, or emotional, or even spiritual in this blog.  It could be about my bike, my experiences at the clinic and hospital oncology wards, experiences with the people I meet, the places I see, my team, the food I eat, my body aches, my relationship with Ron, etc.

*11.  I am 100% fully aware and knowledgeable of all the above mentioned facts and that many people may see this trip as: nuts, silly irrational, cuckoo, senseless, CRAZY, loco.  I am not going to disagree.  It is a little crazy.  Arguably a lot of crazy.  But I am 100% sure that it will be worth it.

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