Officially Out West
So here is what I know. We are on day 26 and are already 1/3 of the way across the continental US. Yesterday we crossed the Mississippi River-the official dividing point of the east and west. As of Thursday we will have been gone a whole month. And we have rode a lot of miles (enough for me not to want to do the math).
It seems like yesterday that we left Central Park yet I feel like I have been riding my bike and sleeping in churches for over a year. It has flown by- which was totally expected. But there has also been a lot of unexpected- the good and the bad- over the past weeks. Here area a few of my favorite parts of this ride- and also my not so favorite parts....
Top not so favorite moments:
- Being denied a shower on on day 2 in West Philly, PA. It was only our second day riding and after 81.2 miles we desperately wanted a shower and were told that there was a local YMCA a couple miles away. Being desperate for a shower, a handful of us walked all the way only to be turned down stone cold from the receptionist. She didn't even sound remorseful. So we walked dozens of blocks back in the ghetto of Philadelphia carrying our luffas and towels smelling really bad. Not even an original Philly Cheese Steak sandwich could cheer me up.
- On both days 4 and 5 in Chambersburg and Everett, PA we ran into two- not one but two tornado warnings. Both times my group was less than 15 miles away from our destination. The first day after riding 78 miles though the rolling hills of the Appalachians we got stuck at a Mitus Repair Shop 2 miles away from our stay-over. Only two miles from showers, sleeping bags, and food. But we wouldn't have made it not matter how fast we pedaled because the sky turned from black to green in seconds. It was the nastiest storm I have ever seen- which might explain why my group (Bones, Katie, and Gedion) pulled off hastily at a Mitus instead of going 10 more feet to a restaurant. All of the other groups were stranded in Walmart or a Deli or a pizza place and ate while they waited. We on the other hand, got automobile parts. On day five the severe weather followed us to Everett, PA where my group (Ron, Katie, Cristian, and Josh) got stuck at a Quizno's and couldn't even finish the last 10-15 miles of the day- all the groups had to be shuttled in by the van due to the weather.
- The awful humidity that followed in Pennsylvania after the storms.
- Wasting money to see the movie Hangover II in Pittsburg.
- All of the following streets: Mountain House Rd in PA, White Horse in PA, Sycamore Rd getting out of Pittsburg, PA and finally another one that made the list was yesterdays 13 mile County Road 9 into Rochester, MN. Mountain House and White Horse where forever and ever long steep steep steep steep climbs that only the devil could have designed. Sycamore wasn't as long but could have been just as steep if not steeper. I remember a lady at the stop light right before we turned on the road who saw which direction we were going and said, “Oooooooooh girl! That's a big hill.” That was an understatement. And I happened to do that climb at 8am in the morning. I don't think I will ever beat that accomplishment so early in the day throughout my entire life. And CR-9 was a never ending road that was a continuation of rolling hills that went against nature and didn't have any down hills following the climb.
- Breaking my shifters on day 9 half way through the day from Pittsburgh, PA to Cadiz, OH. They officially broke on a downhill going through West Virginia. Do to the huge presence of hills it would have been impossible to continue riding. So I had to ride in the van 2 ½ days until I was able to find a Trek repair shop in Columbus, OH. I hated feeling left out from the ride and driving the van is like driving a school bus. It would have been different if I had chosen to ride sag or needed to ride if I was sick or something, but having to ride just because your bike is broke sucks. Not to mention new shifters (just one) cost $200.
- June 4, 2011. Day 13. 13 is an unlucky number for a reason. It was my 22nd birthday and we were riding 84 miles to Greenwood, IN (a suburb of Indianapolis). It was supposed to be a fantastic day- and I got to ride with Ron and Ellie and Divya. But the weather had another plan. We rode 84 miles in unbelievable heat. By 3 pm it was 97 degrees and we were in the middle of cornfields. I felt like I was trapped in an oven. I also wasn't thinking and wanted to wear my shorter biking shorts on my birthday so I could look cute and work on getting rid of my tan lines. Not smart. The part of my leg that had not yet been exposed a lot to the sun got scalded by the sun. It was one of the worst sun burns I've probably ever had. 4 miles away from our destination I hit a wall and had my first I4K cry. It was a water work show. Looking back the 4 our us were quite the sight. I had Niagara Falls coming out of my eyes, Ellie was yelling incoherent words such as, “I feel like a slave,” and Divya was barley gasping out call outs (such as car back). We looked like death and Ron was our saint. I truly wonder if we would have ever made it without Ron telling us to “come on.” It was awful.
- Showering at the County Fair Showers in Rockville, Illinois. It was my first cold shower experience. It didn't help that the showers looked like ones prisoners would use. But I suppose any shower is better than no shower.
- The 33 miles into Chicago that took over 4 hours. We rode through monsoons, floods (literally) and insanely strong headwinds the four mile Lake Shore bike trail to the bean. The Bean (our destination where our families were waiting) was soooo close but so far. I just wanted to be home.
- Leaving home for the second time after my rest day in Freeport.
- Miscommunication in Fitchburg, WI.
- Leaving my aunt's house in Fitchburg, WI. It was like an official goodbye. The entire first third of the ride we rode looking forward to being back home in Chicago and I knew in just a few weeks I would be in a bed and seeing my family again. We were riding home. After Fitchburg, we are riding further and further away from home. We are in it for the long haul. It was definitely harder saying goodbye to my family that time then any of the others.
- Realizing we always won't be as spoiled as we were during the first part of the trip. We ate dinner and breakfast like kings and queens. 90% of the time dinner was provided for us by the churches or families. Delicious lasagna, Italian Beef, Chipotle, Pizza, Spaghetti, Grilled Cheese and tomato soup, hamburgers, Fazolis, etc. On day 23 in Reedsburg, WI (the first day after my aunt's house) we had to make lentils and white rice. Mmmmmmm
- On day 24 going from Reedsburg, WI to Lacrosse, WI I woke up feeling sicker than a dog with a sore throat, stuffed up, tired, the works. To make matters worse that day was in the low 50's and was pouring rain all day. I had to make the decision whether or not to ride in the van. I didn't want to at all, especially since I have already spent 2 days in the van because of my shifters. But I knew if I rode the 87 miles in the freezing rain I would get worse and be even more miserable for the next couple days which happened to be our rest day. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to visit the Hope Lodge in Rochester with the rest of the team if I was sick was enough to convince me to get in the van after riding 20 miles.
- The occasional knee pain. 5:45 am every day. And extreme farmer tans. Chaffing. 5:45 am
- Event Day in Rochester.
On Saturday, June 18 our team left our stay-over in Rochester to head farther west in Minnesota to Albert Lea. Our legs were groggy after a day off and our morale was low after two of our teammates left our team. And of course for me it was too early. But Christine lead us in a really great Mosher (team activity) to get the day started. Our team held hands and we shared who we were dedicating our ride to for that day- someone in particular we had met along the ride.
The Mosher reminded me- and all of us- what we are really doing this ride for. Yes, we want to get to San Fran and have fun along the way seeing Washington Lookout, Times Square, and the Jolly Green Giant Statue in the town of Blue Earth. But we are riding 4500 miles not for the sights, but for the fight against cancer. All of my not-so-favorite moments I listed above are nothing compared to what people who have cancer go through. I have heard these stories first hand from patients and survivors we have met along the way. And now I know when I am having a bad day and I think that it can't get any worse- I think of all the people that have suffered from all of the chemo, surgery, radiation and uncertainty that cancer brings. My pain or bad moments are nothing in comparison. And I hope that what we are doing- the little pain we go through up hills or on long days will alleviate some if not all of the pain these people have had to battle.
I have met amazing people along the way and have heard even more amazing stories. The people I have been able to talk to so far have been so honest and open about their experience. I have talked to family members to complete strangers and each of their stories have touched me. I don't think I ever will forget them.
I found out someone very close to me was diagnosed with cancer the exact day before my ride kicked off. Life doesn't get more ironic than that. Cancer has never hit so close to home for me before and it was so hard to hear. No one ever wants to hear that word. Ever. I ride for this person every single day.
Beverley & Bob Carr were are other members of my family that I dedicate my ride to. Uncle Bobby is my mom's uncle and him and his wife drove over 3 hours to come visit me and my team in Richmond, IN. It was such a wonderful surprise to get to see my family, especially after our 100 mile day. We got to visit and they met all of my team over dinner that was provided by the church. After our pasta dinner, Aunt Bev allowed us to do a team portrait of her. The Portraits Project is a collection of narratives that demonstrate how Americans respond to cancer based on their unique life experiences and individual beliefs. A handful of us sit down and listen to and record a person's personal testimony about their experience with cancer. Aunt Bev sat down and openly shared her battle with breast cancer. Thankfully, she and Uncle Bobby (who also had a bout with cancer) are some of the lucky ones. Aunt Bev credits their outcomes to not only her faith in God, but also to early detection. I remember Aunt Bev saying that if we take anything away from her interview, is to get checked routinely. It may save our lives one day. It was amazing hearing her story and I am so so glad that I got to see both of them! Thank you Aunt Bev & Uncle Bobby!!!! Thank you for all of your support. It means a lot!
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