(Brickler Road- Springfiled, IL)
It's funny that the title of this post is "The Starting Line" considering the starting line to my cross country bike ride is actually in Central Park, New York City, and I won't be leaving until May 22, 2011. However, I am pretty sure my training and preparation should have started yesterday. I do not know why I chose today out of all days to start writing in my blog...it could be one of several reasons-
1. It's the first of the month (kind of like a second chance for new years resolutions- January was only a mulligan.)
2. Writing in my blog is one other thing that I can be doing instead of running on the dumb treadmill- every sluggish step and side ache relentlessly reminds me that I am nowhere near being in shape to ride a bike across a country. Not even close.
3. And the third and most logical reason to start writing today is that there is exactly 110 days left until our ride. Holy crap. I need to get on that treadmill.
So this is my actual starting line. 110 days to go. 110 days to train and prepare for a cross country bike ride. And I don't even have a bike yet. So get ready for a wild ride.
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